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Looking for ideas and peaceful actions that can be taken to make elections secure and free of fraud. America was founded on many great ideals including free and fair ele... More
Greg Wampler
I'm disgusted with the GOP rinos and had considered giving up voting, but that's not gonna do anything but give thieves a bigger win. I'll still show up this November. I can only hope and pray my vot... View More
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Liberty Lion
💥If you are from PA, I cannot say how important it is that you watch this.💥 This is one of the single most important meetings about our elections to date. When the Commies take over, remember it was b... View More
🇺🇸Let’s Go Brandon!🇺🇸 My song highlights Joe’s greatest disasters of 2021! Add it to your LGB playlist on Apple music, Spotify, itunes, Pandora or Youtube music. 🇺🇸Red Wave in November! 🇺🇸Check ... View More
I'm sure most of you have watched this by now. I've seen it a couple times and believe what it shows. A couple things should have been made a bit more clear though. Exactly who are the techs that w... View More
Chris Swafford
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