Bear is ready for his new family. He was born 8/25/2021 and is AKC with lots of champion bloodlines. He is in Sand Springs Oklahoma and 1 year health warranty. Up to date on all shots and worm meds an... View MoreBear is ready for his new family. He was born 8/25/2021 and is AKC with lots of champion bloodlines. He is in Sand Springs Oklahoma and 1 year health warranty. Up to date on all shots and worm meds and ready to go to new home. He is 2000 with full rights.
Beth was born 8/25/2021 and is ready for new family. She is AKC with a lot of champion bloodlines and is $2000 with full rights.
Meet Cherry Pie and Sarah my two lovely Yorkies! Cherry Pie is 6 years old and Sarah is 12 years old.
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