The confederate constitution banned the slave trade before the north did. Historically speaking, in a documented letter to grant president lincoln stated he didnt care about slavery 1 way or another. He went on to say his only priority was to aquire all states so that they be assimilated into the un... View MoreThe confederate constitution banned the slave trade before the north did. Historically speaking, in a documented letter to grant president lincoln stated he didnt care about slavery 1 way or another. He went on to say his only priority was to aquire all states so that they be assimilated into the union at all costs. After his re-election lincoln is also on record stating that "It would take 400 years for negros to be responsible enough to live in civilized society". Lincoln then procured an island off haiti and had plans in place to extridite and colonize this island with all negros. The republican party was formed as an underground to smuggle slaves to freedom. Ironically in 1860 there were over 3400 free black men who owned a total of over 12000 black slaves collectively. It seems to be always blame 1 race or political affiliation for human atrocities. However, the truth is always hidden from public view