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Frank Greene

Male. Lives in Roswell, United States. Is married.
Frank Greene
Copied from a post of someone who knows from experience: Right now the average wind farm is about 150 turbines. Each wind turbine needs 80 gallons of oil as lubricant and we're not talking about veget... View More
Frank Greene
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Frank Greene
Check out page 16 and on. AMA QUIETLY REVERSED Position On Hydroxychloroquine In LATE Oct. They RESCINDED THEIR REQUEST THAT DOCTORS STOP PRESCRIBING HCQ! Now Admit Benefits FAR OUTWEIGH The Extremel... View More
Frank Greene
Frank Greene
7 minutes that should open your eyes as to the danger that China presents. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-elites-china-collusion-di-dongsheng
Frank Greene
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