"You Son of a B****!" "You Punk!" Bongino and Rivera Debate Devolves Into Total Pandemonium
"You Son of a B****!" "You Punk!" Bongino and Rivera Debate Devolves Into Total Pandemonium
#FoxNews #Bongino #Pandemonium
Dan Bongino and Geraldo Rivera joined Hannity last n
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WATCH: Joe Biden Stumbles Repeatedly While Attempting to Board Air Force One Brigitte Gabriel
President Joe Biden stumbled repeatedly Friday morning while attempting to board Air Force One.
Out of Biden's 1.9 trillion COVID relief plan, less than half of a trillion is actually going to the people that need it. 1.5 trillion is going to bail out Democrat governors who have mismanaged thei... View More
If a conservative had done this, they would have already been arrested.
You and 2 others
So if you are a conservative, you can be canceled for stating the facts.