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I'm listening to The Tom Laipply Podcast | TLP | S03-E30 | 03-10-22 on Podbean, check it out!
TLP | S03-E30 | 03-10-22
Create an account, subscribe, and watch on Tom's streaming platform, He will never be banned, censored, or removed. Also, head over to to get some TLP merch or to
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Pfizer #COVID19Vaccine has 1,291 #SideEffects! Some major auto-immune diseases, Encephalitis, AIDS & MANY MORE!
Yet, American parents are lining up their children, themselves for these jabs for a dis... View More
The Pfizer Vaccine Only Has 1,291 Side Effects!
A judge forced the FDA to release Pfizer's clinical data and it's worse than you can possibly imagine