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Michael Schultz

Male. Lives in United States. Is married to .
Neon Nation
4 members Hobbies
A group for fans and owners of Dodge Neons. Share tips and tricks and builds. All generations are welcome, as are all packages (SRT-4, sxt, etc). Be kind and courteous.
Michael Schultz
Jessica Riley Weaver
Liz Schultz
patrick hittler
Cummins Crew
11 members Hobbies
Cummins drivers, owners, and fans; welcome. If you drive or own a Cummins powered vehicle, share it here. Share builds, advice, how-to advice and events. Be kind and courteous.
Michael Schultz
Burt Morris
Christopher DiPirro
Rams NW
7 members Hobbies
A page, for fans and owners of dodge ram pickups. Share pictures and stories, but be kind and courteous. Share tech advice, events, and how-to advice.
Michael Schultz
David Snow