He Came
He came to dispel all the darkness,
He came as approachable Light;
He came to eradicate judgment past due, ... View MoreHe Came
He came to dispel all the darkness,
He came as approachable Light;
He came to eradicate judgment past due,
And to set many devils to flight.
He came as a babe in a manger,
He came in the fullness of time;
He came to bear sin and to be sin itself
And to pay with His life for our crime.
Though heralded then by the angels
In fields where the shepherds would stay,
The trumpets will sound and lay open the ground,
To proclaim His return on That Day.
“But Christmas is all about children!”
Oh, yeah? Is it not about man?
For time will determine man’s outcome indeed—
Choice: defying or heeding God’s plan.
So Christmas is once more upon us,
And Jesus we still see as King—
He came to be more than a baby, for sure—
And to Him we forever must cling.
He came that first time as a baby,
He came to this world God’s own Son;
By living and dying and rising again,
He declares to us all that we've won.
Thus, Christmas is more than gift-giving,
It's more than a holiday break;
It's more about living a life that's worthwhile -
Growing into His life—for His sake.
Donald Penn Neal
Copyright 2020