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Gail Corso
The jab of 1976. Does this look familiar with what we are facing now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u8ObojeZgo
Gail Corso
I'm so frustrated with the dr's on news media....have they not done their own research on the jab? Do they not think also that the children who have been mandated to wear masks since last year, does t... View More
Gail Corso
How can anyone be forced or cancelled in not getting vaccinated but the immigrants coming in without being tested for covid and still being let into the US and not being vaccinated....I'm not underst... View More
Gail Corso
Has anyone heard on the news or congress being questioned as to how many deaths in 2020 from the flu, heart attacks, cancer etc.? Or have these been lumped into the covid death count?
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Gail Corso
With what UBER is doing driving people to get their covid vaccines, what about UBER also bringing people who need voter id's? Safe search: moderateAny time Uber, Lyft to provide free rides to COVID-1... View More
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