
Vic Freeman Is Sparta shared
***CODE RED EMERGENCY SHARE*** This is NOT a Drill: All who are Jabbed will absolutely 100% die in a short period of time: WARN EVERYONE so they’ll not be taken by surprise, for the love of God please... View More
Vic Freeman Is Sparta
[2 MIN VIDEO] COVID STRIKE TEAMS Are Coming To MURDER You & Your Family (Oh YES They ARE)
I have to tell you about an absolutely horrendous thing which very few Americans know so that you will know what it is we are dealing with.
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As God is my witness I kid you not I know how to end this insanity and nothing and nobody will stop me from doing so. More people are dying everyday so sooner is better, and as such: It would be EXT... View More
Vic Freeman Is Sparta
If you really want to end the madness share this post.
*BREAKING* MASS SHOOTING: Domestic Terrorists Commit WORST MASS SHOOTING In American History
Domestic Terrorist Enemy Combatants Commit WORST MASS SHOOTING In American History.
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I know how to fix it. All of it. Nobody else has a clue how to fix it (I take no pleasure in saying that, sleep does not come easy). We are running out of time. If you do not want to because Aust... View More
Vic Freeman Is Sparta
DO NOT READ NOR SHARE this post UNLESS you are TRULY SERIOUS about the Liberty and Safety of yourself and your family. This is STRICTLY for the BRAVE who MAKE AMERICA The Land of The FREE.
ENOUGH is... View More
Infinitely worse than EVIL people are those who promise to protect We The People & The Constitution from EVIL people AND THEN DON’T.
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"People wonder, "how is it that we didn't do something". We didn't run away, we didn't hide. Well, Things didn't happen at once. Things happened very slowly. So each time a new law came out, or a new ... View More
Vic Freeman Is Sparta
Things are EXTREMELY serious folks. Things are FAR WORSE than even 99% of people who get it are aware of. *God is with us and we WILL succeed in Restoring and Securing our Republic, BUT: We have GOT t... View More
They'll kick your door in as you sleep, pin you and your family to the floor and FORCE INJECT you with substances which will END YOUR LIVES.
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Nobody is doing JACK SQUAT effective about the MASS MURDER and KIDS getting PERMANENT HEART DAMAGE. It needs TO STOP. The answers are at the link: This process is up to THE PEOPLE and The People alo... View More
Do YOU want to see the JABS STOPPED? Or, do more people including CHILDREN need to DIE and be permanently damaged?
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