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Cindy Ann Seckinger

Female. Lives in Savannah, United States. Born on August 5, 1957. Is married.
About Me
Americans Patriot, Trump supporter. Mother of 5, Grandmother of 4. ProLife & adoption advocate. I l... View More
Trump Supporters United
828 Members
Politics and Elections
Shanny B Thomp
This is so crazy.
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Watch this video everyone.
Please join me in being a voice for the voicless by fighting against trafficking, pedophiles and the illegal activities of Children services and the Foster care system. The children are depending on... View More
Please join my group and help fight for the children.
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Toni kenner
Dosinia shell necklaces designed by me ToniKenner.com Christmas is coming soon . Great gifts . One of kind .
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Shanny B Thomp
Could you please join my group and show support for my small business? Bonus, we have some great products!
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