#CCPBoasting about their own #CCPVirus and the weaponized #GenocideJabs to destroy our #USM and ability to defend ourselves from #WarWithChina.
https://waronpress.com/2021/10/19/ccp-openly-boasting... View More
CCP Openly Boasting About Mass Murder by “Vaccine”
October 19, 2021WarOnPress Shortly after sharing this vital truth on social media the Jerome Bell account was removed by "Jackolf Twitler" of the Social Media Taliban. https://videopress.com
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Japan defense official warns that China is planning a "Pearl Harbor" strike on America, and it will likely target the power infrastructure
As American Military News now reports, Japanese State Defense Minister Yasuhide Nakayama is now issuing a public warning that China and Russia are gearing up for a surprise attack on America.
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CCP army scientist filed COVID vaccine patent in Feb 2020; Fauci funded horrific human-animal tests
It turns out the longtime director of NIAID has horrific ethics in scientific research. Dr. Fauci is also connected to human-animal hybrid experiments using aborted fetal parts. David Daleiden, founde
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