This is classic. The word "FINAL" so care... View More
This is classic. The word "FINAL" so carefully inserted into the headline so an "innocent" portrait of the President - given to the people with no hateful or political attack - just carefully reminding you it is his LAST Presidency so all the sheep can ignore the voting fraud.
Maybe next week they can get their FINAL vaccine injection before they leave office? That's the one HUGE issue I have with Trump. At least for now. If he doesn't enact martial law soon then I have TWO big issues with his role in the "age of Rona."
Who would have ever dreamed the slide into Communism would look and feel like this? Pretty brilliant planning. I mean, for me personally, I can see through the shit without my Rowdy Roddy Piper Sunglasses. But, the normal public? Wow! I don't know if it is the fluoride in the water, the EMFs, chemtrails, all the toxins in the fake, processed foods ... vaccines ... I bet vaccinations play a huge role. Whatever the brain-eating cocktail is, I simply don't have it, but it looks like 60% and maybe even 90% of the country is impacted. They have lost all reason. They can only do and act as told.
I'm thinking vaccines play the largest role. Not because of the old "Rona", but if I evaluate my list of "woke" friends they pretty universally DO NOT VACCINATE. Some don't eat as well as others. Some don't work out as much as others. Some drink a bit. Some smoke. Some don't avoid fluoride. But the ONE THING we all have in common is we DO NOT VACCINATE!!!!!!!!!!
Follow the science and data. Yes, I do.