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Cassandra May Holt

Female. Lives in Adrian, Michigan, United States. Born on July 7, 1982. Is single.
About Me
I am a 39-year-old single woman of two amazing adult children I love to read I love to listen to mus... View More
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Cassandra May Holt
Cassandra May Holt
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Cassandra May Holt
Cassandra May Holt
To attract better, you have to become better. You can't do the same things & expect change. Transform your mindset. Upgrade your habits. Think positive. Be hopeful & consistent with your evolution. It... View More
Cassandra May Holt
Sometimes people will try & convince you that you owe them something. This is never the truth. You don't owe anyone a thing. Not one thing. Feeling you OWE someone something comes from thoughts of ent... View More
Cassandra May Holt
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