History repeats - no bombs this time but spy shit.
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people or changed who can see it, or it's been deleted.
"Whether or not there were bad actors that infiltrated the group in DC, I'm gonna have to concede that it doesn't matter.
At a certain point, we need to accept that half the country is fucking pissed,... View More"Whether or not there were bad actors that infiltrated the group in DC, I'm gonna have to concede that it doesn't matter.
At a certain point, we need to accept that half the country is fucking pissed, exhausted all legal options and were shit on for their efforts by a machine whose only purpose is to protect itself, and have been told for 8 months by the side that won that the only acceptable solution to any problems is violence, and told to restrain themselves by the side that lost.
What else were they supposed to do? And given that scenario, did infiltrators really make any difference?
They didn't kill anybody (only the Capitol Police did,) they didn't set anything on fire. They didn't attack private citizens or businesses or homes. On a scale of 0 to Mostly Peaceful Protest, this was a .001.
So, for those denouncing it as terrorism or hypocrisy, please, answer this question:
What else were they supposed to do?
Shut up and take it? And you wonder why your proposed solutions fall on deaf ears. Even if we believe storming the Capitol wasn't the best course of action, how do you expect to persuade the crowd that it wasn't? If your solution is to just shut up and accept the abuse, you're right there along with the Lincoln Project. So why would they listen to you?"
-Coop LoPresto
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