If Jack Smith told the truth when announcing new charges against #DonaldJTrump
🌐 @OsPando ™️
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Cheryl Meiser
The guy is a worthless turd, cant even use him for fertilizer, he is so toxic he would kill the plants

Howard Buckley
All these soros dem lawyers need to be taken out

Michael wells
Jack Smith is a trader who works for the injustice department in DC we must stand up and take are courty back so start stocking up and keep it a sweat ok true American
The Unforgiving Minute 🇺🇲 Rudyard Kipling 🇺🇸 4️⃣5️⃣🇺🇲
🌐 @OsPando ™️
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The Unforgiving Minute 🇺🇸 @OsPando ™️
פנינו הבוקר, עשרות חברי כנסת מהקואליציה והאופוזיציה לראשי האיחוד האירופי במחאה על מסמך המדיניות הסודי של האיחוד בנוגע ליו״ש מיוני 2022. מסמך המאשש את המציאות החמורה בשטח, בנייה בלתי חוקית מאסיבית בתכ... View More
#BreakingNews: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia confirms Biden attempted to coerce them to postpone oil cuts until after the midterms, announce they have rejected his quid pro quo
#BidenCorruption #QuidPro... View More
Stupid should hurt , let those Democrat voters feel the pain , If me paying a few bucks more for a tank of gas takes one Democrat vote away from the Biden crew , I'll pay it with a smile..
#JustKidding 🙃
📌 @OsPando ™️
What did they find in the pockets of Monica Lewinsky's dress. Wads of Bills'.
News from 45
👁👁 @OsPando ™️
#Trump2024 🇺🇲 #HoldTheLine
Most governments feel that Christians must be imprisoned. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=696845808505689
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