I am happily Married for 18 years and have a teenaged son and my wife and I moved from California in... View MoreI am happily Married for 18 years and have a teenaged son and my wife and I moved from California in 2010 to Thailand.I am pro America and want to keep the USA safe from Socialism and Communism and Democrats who are Leftist bitches!\I am Pro Gun and Pro Police and military! Thanks you to all Vets!My Wife is 22 years younger than me and was born in Thailand and I have never cheated on any woman I have had a relationship and am a True American.I am a Christian, but live in the Buddhist way of life as in non judgemental and into self enlightenment and self discipline and love for all life-Human-Animal and plant!I am a bodybuilder and cardio purist and we have 6 dogs and several homes in Thailand on the beach! I use no drugs or medications or smoke. But I have a few drinks on special occasion!I believe in equality of all and especially for women and the needy! I like President Trump and see him as a hero to all us of the silent majority. I loathe Libtarded leftist asswipes! I especially hate the MSM and the leftist Billionaires like George- asshole- Soros! I hate scams and bitcoins and "you have won money in the fill in the "blank" schemes!
About Me
I am happily Married for 18 years and have a teenaged son and my wife and I moved from California in... View More