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Bentley Kirkman
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Bentley Kirkman
#Foreskin is not a #birth defect. It's #healthy and suppose to be there. With proper care, the chances of you having issues with it are slim to none. #Circumcision permanently disfigured and damaged t... View More
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Bentley Kirkman
Bentley Kirkman
#Circumcision permanently alters and damages the penis, and alters mechanics of sex to compensate. It's insane people are forcing this on babies in #2020. It's insane people don't know the natural, ma... View More
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James Dow
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Bentley Kirkman
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November 24, 2020
Bentley Kirkman
Aside from sensitivity, the #foreskin has many mechanical and #protective functions. Stores & releases natural lubrication, stores pheromones, protects glans when not erect, protects against contamina... View More
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