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Amy T Henry
fb is demanding you upload an ID to 'unlock your account' because they claim someone may have tampered with it. prior, they would simply send a 6 digit code to your em address. i say: no way. so i am ... View More
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Amy T Henry
and i see wimkin is asking, also? are you folks out of your minds?
December 24, 2023
Jase replied - 2 replies
Amy T Henry
So: Trump incited the riot with his speech. Oops. The Dems demand to know who let the rioters check out the Capitol the day before.NO! They were planning this 10-20 days ago. The rioters intended to ... View More
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Amy T Henry
I haven't checked in here for a long time. I find fb increasingly repressive. So here is my stance: c19 may not kill you, but it most assuredly will find you. Death Rates have come down considerably- but we are finding long term problems that should not be ignored. These include heart attacks, strok... View More
October 18, 2021
Amy T Henry
i read the speech. there was nothing inciting about it.
Amy T Henry
I am still trying to work this out. If I post here, does it show up on my 'friend's' page? It is good that people are turning to alternatives. I actually got chastised (put in jail) on fb for using th... View More
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Darlene Martin
I think it shows up on everyones page. In order to have it on friends only you have to log into wimkin on a computer and select friends only.
November 24, 2020
Christina Langewis
I got zucced fpr.saying rhe French are nuts... On a post abput their public Christmas tree that looks like a giant buttplug. ??
November 24, 2020
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