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Wayne Butt
How soon we forget! In 1983, Susan Rosenberg planted a bomb outside the US Senate Chamber to assassinate Republican Senators. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler got President Clint... View More
Wayne Butt
Wayne Butt
For sure! You should never be censored on what you want to say! Freedom of Speech
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Wayne Butt
Wayne Butt
Watch the whole thing or go to 20:30 and watch other politicians and movie stars attack Trump and incite riots! https://cantcensortruth.com/watch?id=5ffbbdf9d159c739a9e0162f
Wayne Butt
Watch the whole thing or go to 20:30 and watch other politicians and movie stars attack Trump! https://cantcensortruth.com/watch?id=5ffbbdf9d159c739a9e0162f
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