What the democrats think about Republicans!
So, it’s not just America. It’s happening all over the place because we’re not debating economic issues anymore, we’re debating cultural issues, identity i... View More
Idumean Gog, Christ-killing Rome and the false-Jews, the "real Anti-Christ" Author of Fascism, in twin cult psychosis believe they "own the world and all on it," which is why their attack is a global phenomenon.
This is how corrupt the democrats have become! This person should have charges brought against her if possible. At the very least, i hope the people of her state dont put her in office.
https://resi... View More
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Wow, this is eye opening!
https://americanwirenews.com/school-districts-charging-exorbitant-fees-for-record-requests-to-keep-info-out-of-parents-reach/?utm_campaign=bizpac&utm_content=Newsletter&ut... View More
School districts charging 'exorbitant fees' for record requests to keep info out of parents' reach · American Wire News
School districts charging 'exorbitant fees' to price concerned parents out of obtaining records they are legally entitled to receive
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Things that make you go hummm.
https://www.bizpacreview.com/2022/06/15/people-openly-wonder-if-pelosi-sat-on-bill-to-protect-justices-so-one-would-be-killed-replaced-with-a-biden-nom-1250273/?utm_cam... View More
People openly wonder if Pelosi sat on bill to protect justices so one would be killed, replaced with a Biden nom
The host of the Chris Salcedo Show floated a theory why the U.S. House under Pelosi delayed action on a bill upgrading Supreme Court security
THIS…THIS is why we DO NOT need new additional gun laws in America! Enforce the laws we have! If you continue to crack down on LEGAL gun owners, but let thugs walk free, there is the problem.
https:/... View More
Rapper leads 'F**k NYPD' chant hours after having gun charges dropped without explanation
Rapper Roddy Ricch, whose birth name is Rodrick Moore, had been busted by police on felony gun possession charges.
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You know its getting bad when a former under secretary of the treasurery says this economic disaster is being perpatrated on purpose!
https://www.bizpacreview.com/2022/06/13/monica-crowley-makes-bold... View More
Smoke and mirrors is all this is. The “red flag” law is an intrusion into the second amendment, without due process to the accused. My advice is start enforcing the gun laws we currently have, instead... View More
Treason, sedation, what ever you want to call this, Kerry needs to be charged, and brought to justice, along with anyone else involved.
https://www.bizpacreview.com/2022/05/27/unearthed-memo-confirm... View More
Unearthed memo confirms John Kerry’s clandestine meetings with Iran in effort to undermine Trump: report
A new memo has surfaced that shows Kerry went behind Trump's back to conduct "shadow diplomacy" with the Iranians over their nuclear deal.