I attended a workshop a couple of decades ago where the author of a book on change presented his ideas. The core idea was that change takes time and the people must buy into the change. He compared hi... View MoreI attended a workshop a couple of decades ago where the author of a book on change presented his ideas. The core idea was that change takes time and the people must buy into the change. He compared his ideas to a large ship at sea. He said that you have to plan your turn well ahead of the actual turning point, otherwise you will overshoot your target. This is what I see the Conservatives doing. You don't change overnight. You slowly make the changes so they become permanent and everyone is on board.
I see the Liberals as the guys who throw out candy at a parade. The kids run out into moving traffic just for a quick taste of something sweet. Then they wait for the next float that is giving stuff away.
LBJ did that with his War on Poverty. He put together a program (welfare) to give food and shelter to the poor. As long as you remain poor, you can keep getting more and more free stuff. There is no real incentive to better your life. The end result is that those people lose their self-pride and drive. They live for the monthly welfare check, the food stamps, and assigned low or no rent apartment. In order to keep those freebees coming every month, they have to vote for Democrats.
Conservatives would provide opportunities for good paying jobs by building the economy. It restores that pride that was previously lost. It begins to make those people more invested because they have worked for, paid for, the things they have. Neighborhoods improve. Crime goes down. Education improves.
This is a simplified version of what I see in our communities. I could be 100% wrong, but I don't think so.
Just learned something new about censorship in Facebook. I got a meme that was blotted out and the warning that it was violent or graphic content. I clicked on it and was a quote from the King James B... View MoreJust learned something new about censorship in Facebook. I got a meme that was blotted out and the warning that it was violent or graphic content. I clicked on it and was a quote from the King James Bible. Then I learned that if you click on the . . . in the upper right hand corner of the meme that you have the option of blocking all memes quoting the King James Bible. Of all the things that should be giving warnings, quoting the King James Bible is so violent or graphic that they have a special button to block it.
If not for some long time and special friends that have not moved over to this site, I would just leave that left-wing, communist, nazi site. No free speech allowed unless you support anti-American rhetoric.
It time for some of the haters to be reminded that Trump worked for 4 years as our president and returned all of his salary by donating it to charity and back to special organizations within the gover... View MoreIt time for some of the haters to be reminded that Trump worked for 4 years as our president and returned all of his salary by donating it to charity and back to special organizations within the government. He was criticized for not paying taxes. So what? As I stated years ago, many "rich people" pay low taxes and have numerous tax lawyers working for them. A great amount of the money they deduct went to charity. We have a history in the country where the rich donated huge sums or directly financed the building of many things like libraries, music venues, colleges, etc. The left is attacking Trump with lie after lie.
Lot's of talk about term limits on Congress. Term limits are in our hands. Why in hell do you, yes you, keep voting the same people back into office over and over again. I keep hearing everyone say th... View MoreLot's of talk about term limits on Congress. Term limits are in our hands. Why in hell do you, yes you, keep voting the same people back into office over and over again. I keep hearing everyone say that Congress should pass a law, but it never gets done. Of course no, do you really think they are going to pass a law that limits their time? After a person has served 10 years, mark them off the list and vote for someone else. Do you not realize how much power you actually have? Not only does it limit the time for Congress but it would be step one in eliminating retirement pay for Congress. No one should get a retirement unless they put in 20 or more years. If someone moves from house to house to extend their time, don't vote for them.
Term limits; It is in our hands.
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