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Varsie Hunt

Male. Is in a relationship.
About Me
I love the country I grew up in. We have fell victim to liberalism that has ruined it. My grand chil... View More
Worldwide Prayer Chain
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Urban Homesteaders
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All Things Hunting
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Hunting and Fishing
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Wanderlust Inc!  (Hiking)
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What’s for dinner?
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Company, Organization, or Institution » Farming/Agriculture
Jerry Larson
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Ipac Instructor
I started a new praise and worship YT music channel. Kindly support. I assure you won't be disappointed. https://www.youtube.com/live/zDpoQ78yScs?feature=shared Thank you. Blessings and peace.... View More
Johnnie Freitas
Spread it far and wide
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Alfred w Yaney
The vaccines are designed to kill people and REMEMBER THAT THE MOST DEADLY VACCINES WERE SENT TO THE RED STATES.
Alfred w Yaney
Nurnburg trials after World War 2 made it internationally ILLEGAL TO INJECT UNKNOWN CHEMICALS IN THE HUMAN BODY WITHOUT CONSENT. THIS IS THE "INFORMED CONSENT" when Pfizer wanted 70 years to release t... View More
Alfred w Yaney
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Alfred w Yaney
This is why my daughter improves her Star Spangled Banner singing.
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Varsie Hunt
Someone tried to take out Trump in Pennsylvania .
Alfred w Yaney
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