Naturalized American of Cuban Heritage; 100% Anti-Communist; Retired Quality Engineer of Aerospace C... View More
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Did you know about this unique automobile?
Pick of the Day: 1951 Muntz Jet luxury convertible built by the Madman
The Pick of the Day is a 1951 Muntz Jet convertible, a rare piece of post-war automotive finery that has been restored to spectacular condition
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Jerry hill shared a photo
Republican flag needs a stick man with our boot in its rhino rear
The toy-like cars of the 60's
Pick of the Day: Did you know Morris made a Minor convertible?
Pick of the Day, a 1960 Morris Minor Series III convertible, being offered for sale on by a private seller in Solana Beach, California.
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Not presently made like they used to !
Pick of the Day: 1952 Mercedes-Benz 220A Cabriolet luxury touring car
The Pick of the Day, a 1952 Mercedes-Benz 220A Cabriolet, was a stylish part of the German automaker regaining its status as a luxury car company
The "tide" could be changing soon!