Tuesdays after a Monday Holiday are usually double whammies; Today is Don't Give Up The Ship Day; The US found massive wiretapping the US Embassy in Moscow; We all need reasons to smile and hope - che... View MoreTuesdays after a Monday Holiday are usually double whammies; Today is Don't Give Up The Ship Day; The US found massive wiretapping the US Embassy in Moscow; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share, the photos to brighten your day, and new blog, https://www.vickiviall.com/post/fraud-sucks.
Let your light shine brightly but don't dim anyone else's light; Today is Creativity Day; the Ice Cream Freezer was patented this day in history by whom; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check ... View MoreLet your light shine brightly but don't dim anyone else's light; Today is Creativity Day; the Ice Cream Freezer was patented this day in history by whom; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share, the photos to brighten your day, and new blog, https://www.vickiviall.com/post/fraud-sucks.
Don't bury your head - get out and live your life; Today is Jazz Day; What did inventor Abraham Lincoln patent this day in history; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share... View MoreDon't bury your head - get out and live your life; Today is Jazz Day; What did inventor Abraham Lincoln patent this day in history; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share, the photos to brighten your day, and new blog, https://www.vickiviall.com/post/fraud-sucks.
The most important thing you will hear today is that it is FRIYAY; Heat Awareness Day; What premiered this day in history; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share, the pho... View MoreThe most important thing you will hear today is that it is FRIYAY; Heat Awareness Day; What premiered this day in history; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share, the photos to brighten your day, and new blog, http://vickiviall.com/.../creating-splashes-of-joy-by...
They went up in search of Friday and say it is dead ahead; Today is Nothing to Fear Day; What feat was accomplished by a Navy Sea Plane this day in history; We all need reasons to smile and hope - che... View MoreThey went up in search of Friday and say it is dead ahead; Today is Nothing to Fear Day; What feat was accomplished by a Navy Sea Plane this day in history; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share, the photos to brighten your day, and new blog, http://vickiviall.com/.../creating-splashes-of-joy-by...
While we can count on the sun to rise, far more, we can count on the SON; Today is Paper Airplane Day; What is significate about this day in history; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out ... View MoreWhile we can count on the sun to rise, far more, we can count on the SON; Today is Paper Airplane Day; What is significate about this day in history; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share, the photos to brighten your day, and new blog, http://vickiviall.com/.../creating-splashes-of-joy-by...
It's Turtle Day; It's Lucky Penny Day; What famous outlaw couple was killed by Texas Rangers on this day; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share, the photos to brighten y... View MoreIt's Turtle Day; It's Lucky Penny Day; What famous outlaw couple was killed by Texas Rangers on this day; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share, the photos to brighten your day, and new blog, http://vickiviall.com/.../creating-splashes-of-joy-by...
Crow it to the world - it is Friyay; It is Bike to Work Day; Who made history by landing in Paris this day; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share, the photos to brighten... View MoreCrow it to the world - it is Friyay; It is Bike to Work Day; Who made history by landing in Paris this day; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share, the photos to brighten your day, and new blog, http://vickiviall.com/.../creating-splashes-of-joy-by...
Today, I leave the cares and worries of the world behind and soar high above it; Today is also Rescue Dog Day; What did Parliament do in 1774 and why; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out... View MoreToday, I leave the cares and worries of the world behind and soar high above it; Today is also Rescue Dog Day; What did Parliament do in 1774 and why; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share, the photos to brighten your day, and new blog, http://vickiviall.com/.../creating-splashes-of-joy-by...
Sometimes, our burdens are bigger than we are, yet we carry on; Today is Museum Day; Selective Service for WWI started this day; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share, t... View MoreSometimes, our burdens are bigger than we are, yet we carry on; Today is Museum Day; Selective Service for WWI started this day; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share, the photos to brighten your day, and new blog, http://vickiviall.com/.../creating-splashes-of-joy-by...
Monday's are better when we dance thru them from sunrise to sunset; Today is Income Tax Pay Day; What famous horse race ran for the first time this day in history; We all need reasons to smile and hop... View MoreMonday's are better when we dance thru them from sunrise to sunset; Today is Income Tax Pay Day; What famous horse race ran for the first time this day in history; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share, the photos to brighten your day, and new blog, http://vickiviall.com/.../creating-splashes-of-joy-by...
Praise & worship and then dive into Abba's Word; Wear Purple for Peace Day; Which astronaut returned to Earth this day ending the last Mercury space flight; We all need reasons to smile and hope - che... View MorePraise & worship and then dive into Abba's Word; Wear Purple for Peace Day; Which astronaut returned to Earth this day ending the last Mercury space flight; We all need reasons to smile and hope - check out the words we share, the photos to brighten your day, and new blog, http://vickiviall.com/.../creating-splashes-of-joy-by...
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