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Female. Born on July 26. Is married.
Mohave County Republicans
The purpose of this group is for the education of Mohave County Voters on how our party works, the names and contact info of those running our party and what Republican Voters in Mohave County, Arizona can do to help our party. As such, while this is a public group, only Mohave County Arizona Republican and Independent voters will be allowed to join and participate. There are plenty of groups in the area that discuss the issues going on in our country. This group will no longer be used for that. This group will be used to inform/disuss the issues in our party so that the we the voters are more educated when going to the polls. The names and contact information of party leaders and precinct committee members will be posted in here so that voters can begin to engage them on the issues. This Facebook group does not purport to be an official organ of the MCRCC (Mohave County Republican Central Committee) or the AZGOP (Arizona Republican Party); having said that, we do welcome announcements and notices from any and all GOP clubs and organizations within Mohave County and/or Arizona. Posts not about the party itself will no longer be allowed. As I said there are plenty of groups for that already. I will continue to allow posts from ELECTED officials and candidates during election years because voters need to engage with these people. I however would like them to focus on whether they are Precinct Committeemen or not. Do they work with the party? Volunteer at events? Contribute anything other than the R on their campaign materials? Their thoughts on issues within the party itself? Again there are plenty of other groups they can stump on, this one is about the party. I will also allow Republican clubs/groups to post events/club info as well. It is ALWAYS good for voters to know what groups are out there, when they meet, and how they help the party put up honorable candidates. However all other posts are banned. We will not be discussing Abortion, taxes, and other issues. We will be discussing the party itself, where its doing good, where its gone really wrong, and what WE THE VOTERS can do to fix it. We will not always agree HOWEVER I do expect civility and productive discussion and will not hesitate to remove anyone incapable of such. Any member found blocking an admin will be banned and blocked. Any advertising or commercial solicitation of goods and services for profit--most particularly "spamming"--is expressly prohibited. All our members are expected to follow the rules of the group and respect all our other members; when in doubt, the Golden Rule should be applied.