Politics and Elections
President Pelosi and Vice President Schumer are killing this country. Come on we know who is really calling the shots.
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I'm waiting for Trump to remove the CIA, FBI, NSA, Federal Reserve and possibly the FDA, SEC and CDC.
I'll have to admit im mad as can be. This election is the greatest scam in US history and seems like nobody that can do anything about it cares. Are you kidding me? No way Joe Biden got that many v... View More
Fox News is committing suicide by turning on Trump. Whatever happened to, "We report, you decide"? I'm done with Fox except for Tucker, Hannity, and Ingraham and Judge Pirro.
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Lets face it! These liberal Governors and Mayors are not going to reopen anything till Joe Biden becomes president. We all know once the country is open the economy will come roaring back. They wo... View More
Agreed. Its all about control and make AMERICANS mindless automotons.