Born & raised in North Miami, FL. Lived in Key Largo 15 years, moved to Cloudland, GA 2014. Attended... View More
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Politics and Elections
David mark Susan Smith Sparkes
Hello how are you doing over there and the weather condition over there
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Cn someone please explain why ALL the friend requests I?ve recieved since joining Wimkin are from MEN I don?t know??? Are there TROLLS on Wimkin too?! Sorry, guys, you aint getting accepted! ??
I get them from women all the time too. The bad thing here is that you dont seem to be able to look at their profile before accepting the request. A lot of them are just a picture of someone that somr scammer in nigeria or somewhere is using to pull some kind of scam. Facebook is replete with that g... View More
Same thing for all of us. No way to check them out. Males and females.