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JR Standridge
Some of us grew up loving our Country.... Tuened 18 with these brothers.
JR Standridge
Tactfully speaking. It would take a former military cadre to plan out what would be needed to retake our country. We are out here. it can be done. Antfia and BLM be warned
JR Standridge
What is the trigger. What will be the one event that happens that changes everything. So far we're seeing a lot of things that should upset everybody enough to galvanize them... View More
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Peg mccune
Stand up fight fight
November 18, 2020
Cities are burning in blue states because in those same states defending yourself with deadly force is felony murder .
November 18, 2020
Roger Foust
My gear is ready. Let's go let the air out of some of these son of a bitches.
November 18, 2020
JR Standridge
Facebook said no more. The Constitution says YES. Open to all with the only requirement being legal to buy and sale. No minors buying or selling. And respect to others. Share this and lets grow... View More
JR Standridge
Why are posts made not showing after a couple of days.
JR Standridge
BLM protester seen assaulting Trump supporters at 'Million MAGA March' ID'd as journalism student: report https://www.foxnews.com/us/maga-protest-dc-trump-support-blm-journalist ... View More
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