Timothy F Carter shared a photo
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Tricia Newman
They should all resign in shame
#BreakingNews: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia confirms Biden attempted to coerce them to postpone oil cuts until after the midterms, announce they have rejected his quid pro quo
#BidenCorruption #QuidPro... View More
Stupid should hurt , let those Democrat voters feel the pain , If me paying a few bucks more for a tank of gas takes one Democrat vote away from the Biden crew , I'll pay it with a smile..
News from 45
👁👁 @OsPando ™️
#Trump2024 🇺🇲 #HoldTheLine
Most governments feel that Christians must be imprisoned. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=696845808505689
If you read and like this article, please make a post out of it that suits you!
It's a VERY important and ENLIGHTENING article that names names and groups that are central to being publicly EXPOSED as enemies of America, America 1st, our liberties, sovereignty and existence as a republic.
No time to... View More
Uganda continues to grapple with the health, education, economic & social impact of the pandemic itself and the measures used to try to reduce infection rates. These measures have meant that travel is... View More
They are locking down these countries to force the vaccine on them. This is genocide. And it is only one more attempt at the genocide of the African people. Big Pharma and Bill Gates have an extensive history of sterilizing and killing Africans with "vaccines".
There are also many children in this country that needs help I think it’s time for Americans who are able to help donate to the American children
Good example the children of the Appalachians
These families are living on dirt floors and whatever they can use for walls and a roof which isn’t much... View More
There is no "pandemic," it is a plandemic COVID Hoax promulgated by the WEF/Gates adjunct of the Lucifer-invoking Vatican Anti-Christ - using Luciferian China as a foil - we founded America, the Creator-s prophesied Israel, in covenant with God, to escape.
Rwanda-s Marian cult Hutu Roman Catholics ... View More
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