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Ronny Glynn Bowman

Male. Lives in Marble Falls, United States. Is single.
About Me
Gun nut and war historian.
Adrienne Pierre Scott
Ronny, I see that you requested to join Texas Post-Apocalyptic Book Club & Preparedness Group. Couple of questions for you. Do you live in Texas, if so what county and do you read Post-Apoc fiction? I... View More
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Ronny Glynn Bowman
Yes I am from Texas and I am deleting my FB account. Burnet County.
September 13, 2020
Adrienne Pierre Scott
Hey Ronny, we read and promote our authors books and also prep, support our LEOs, military and 2A. Are you of like mind?
September 13, 2020 Edited
Ronny Glynn Bowman
I am. Pro 2A and a LEO. Also a firearms instructor.
September 13, 2020
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