What we are seeing is not a left vs right issue. It's a subjugation vs liberty issue. As a person who reveres our Constitution and the founding of this country, I would always stand for individual lib... View MoreWhat we are seeing is not a left vs right issue. It's a subjugation vs liberty issue. As a person who reveres our Constitution and the founding of this country, I would always stand for individual liberty. I would stand for YOUR ideals, even if they weren't my ideals. I would stand for YOUR right to free speech, even if I disagreed with what you spoke. I would stand for YOUR right to live as you see fit, even if it wasn't the way I chose to live myself. It saddens me that too many have bought into this and freely clasp their own chains because they think that free speech and individual liberty is a partisan issue. It angers me that people see individual rights as selfish. People usually don't understand until it's them that are targeted specifically. Some people say they take the middle, not left, not right...... Where are they? Where are these libertarians, especially? Where are groups like the ACLU? Where are the advocates for liberty and justice for all? Hiding. Afraid to speak out for fear of........subjugation from social media. That's not liberty. Having to live in fear of retribution of ones ideals is not liberty. Having to suppress your own speech for fear of being canceled is not liberty. We're being played......it's not a partisan issue. People need to take notice right now because those who sit in ivory towers are laying the groundwork to steal everything that matters and they are using Big Tech and the media to see to it that that you can't get information about what's actually going on. They've used the divide and conquer and at this moment it has worked. We focused on liberals vs conservatives. Republicans vs democrats. Gay vs. straight. Black vs white. Rich vs poor and every other dividing description. We concentrated on labels so long we forgot to focus on liberty vs subjugation. Citizen vs subject. We were distracted for so long we forgot to focus on being...........AMERICANS.
Initially you'll look at this, roll your eyes and think I'm bloviating, but sooner or later you'll realize these are things that are before us. It doesn't hurt my feelings if people scroll by, unfriend me or whatever..... Why? Because at least one person will share this. It'll be put before someone that needs to see it and it'll open someone's eyes. I'm no stranger to being put on an island for my ideals or thoughts. Not at all. I'm no stranger to people walking away from me because I say these things that seem "radical" to so many. It's only radical to so many because they never read the opposing team's playbooks. They are so predictable. We've failed to stop them because we've rolled our eyes too long, thought "that doesn't affect me", "it can't happen, they wouldn't do that....." They will do that and they ARE doing that. No, boys and girls, this isn't a democrat vs republican issue and the sooner we wake up to that the quicker we come together and put those who are trying to carry out this subjugation of us in their places the better off you and I will be. If not, I can guarantee you the future we have and the future we leave for our children is very, very bleek.
Free speech is under assault by Big Tech!
A couple knives I just did for a customer.
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