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Richard Malinowski
If the Trump Administration is unable or unwilling to: immediately STOP the Chemtrail poisoning of our population...If the Trump Administration will NOT immediately re-institute the Smith-Mundt act ... View More
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Debra Deaton
What if the military are just as corrupt as the Democrats 🧐 Milly was a traitor, how many more are there.🤨 I did let Trump know we want the end to chem trails poisoning us & everything on the planet when I signed another petition.
March 13, 2025
Faye chaffin
Faye chaffin replied - 1 reply
Richard Malinowski
You may be right about the military--it all depends upon their loyalty to the president and defense secretary. Like everything these days, it is a risk.
March 13, 2025
Richard Malinowski
When you consider the utter absurdity and laugh-ability of the reasons and destinations where OUR MONEY was sent, it is probably more likely that we will find that these destination were all false an... View More
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