I'm a wife, a Mom, a free spirited, fun loving patriotic American.
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Artist, Band or Public Figure
Artist, Band or Public Figure
WWG1WGA https://youtu.be/O1l-nR1Apj4
We're Not Gonna Take It
A little motivation to keep the fight alive.
WOW!! I'm blown away!
My sincerest thanks to all of you, not just for watching the video, but for your willingness to fight for this country, for o
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I've been saying since May, It's the tests!!! And sure shit! http://tapnewswire.com/2020/12/the-corman-drosten-paper-has-been-identified-concerning-errors-and-inherent-fallacies-which-render-the-sars-... View More
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"The Kraken" is a Cyber Warfare Program and Military Sting Operation - American Patriot Contact Tracers
Fellow Patriots, we are reposting this thread by derf_famous from Thread Reader, and think you will enjoy reading it as much as we did! ??KRAKEN
@StormIsUponUs - StormIsUponUs - The fake news can say what they like. Testimony...
The fake news can say what they like. Testimony such as this casts doubt on the validity of the election, constitutionally obligating an honest Supreme Court to invalidate and pass it back to...
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Federal judge re-approves emergency order blocking Georgia from wiping state voting machines
The order is part of Sidney Powell's ongoing election lawsuits in Georgia
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