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Male. Lives in Texas, United States. Born on July 13, 1956. Is married.
About Me
The information doctor. Doctorate in IT and retired teacher, USN(R)/SS. Biker.
Hey, Democrats. Your leaders say you are the Party of inclusion, but you exclude everyone who doesn't believe the same things as you. This is exclusion and intolerance little different than a false r... View More
Hey, Democrats. So far as I know, Tim Walz lied about being a Command Master Sergeant (he never finished the course). He lied about going to China 30 times (it was 15). And now he lied about being ... View More
Hey, Democrats. When they say that C02 caused Hurricane Idalia, remind them of this... The Great Galveston Storm of 1900 was the deadliest weather-related catastrophe in U.S. history inundating the ... View More
Hey, Democrats. Gangs in Chicago are angry over the influx of migrants and criminals in their city. Turf wars are coming to Chicago. Hardcore gangsters, gang elders, and local people are united in th... View More
Hey, Democrats. Your shills and sheeple are still claiming there was no ballot or voter fraud; but there's this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9MmLPJY7Ts&t=656s
Hey, Democrats. As Veep she polled so low, as a candidate she was in single digits. How fickle you are.... View More
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