Love me some Boomer. My little old man dog.
Making good people helpless does not make bad people harmless (M. Copeland)
This election is not about the next four years, this election is about the future of the Untied States of America for as fa... View MoreMaking good people helpless does not make bad people harmless (M. Copeland)
This election is not about the next four years, this election is about the future of the Untied States of America for as far as you can imagine!
Your kids, grand kids, great grand kids....will be affected by the decisions made now through November 3rd!
It is not enough to simply go vote, we must talk about it amumgst friends and make sure that everyone we know goes and votes (unless they are f-ing liberals who would vote for harris)(yes this democratic side is not a vote for joe its a vote for kamala)
Oathkeepers, Livewire has created an oathkeepers page, please post your pics to that page!
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