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PewPew Thomas

Male. Lives in United States. Born on November 27, 1967. Is married.
PewPew Thomas
PewPew Thomas
Big Boy head shot 60 yards
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Susan Richards
Was he eating your livestock?
December 11, 2020
PewPew Thomas
PewPew Thomas replied - 1 reply
Susan Richards
That looked like a wolf, not a coyote - they usually are only about 15-30 lbs
December 13, 2020
Brad Petersen
Brad Petersen replied - 2 replies
PewPew Thomas
Will be huting wolfs this fall for the 1st time
December 13, 2020
PewPew Thomas
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Michael A McDermott
I noticed that your jars have some calcification on them. Add a TBLS or two of white vinager to the water and that will take care of that.
November 17, 2020
PewPew Thomas
Thanks good eye normally I do we were up north I forgot the vinegar
December 12, 2020
PewPew Thomas
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