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Justin Frost

Male. Lives in Rochester. Born on December 17, 1989.
Freedom's Founding Fathers
We 100% back free speech, however, can we do our best to remain civil and speak to one another as human beings and adults? We are in some dark times and now more than ever WE THE PEOPLE need not fight each other and tear our fellow brothers and sisters down. We need to stand together. This is a fight for our country, for our republic, for our Constitutional rights. Fellow Patriots, We ask that you use this group to connect and network with other America loving citizens, so that WE THE PEOPLE can return to the patriotic bonds that this country once had. Please, spread truthful news and articles here. Be sure to vet your sources and verify. Spreading false, misleading, or otherwise fake information makes you no better than the Democratic Liberals that wish to tarnish or destroy everything they touch.
Justin Frost
Barb Daiton