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Mark Alan

Male. Lives in Nowhere. is in a relationship and it's complicated.
The  kids  corner.Books just for fun
7 members Writing (Authors)
As  an   author,   Newbee. O.K ,  maybe 20-30  years , and  learning  "everything , "  about writing ,  it's  more  or less , let's  toss  something at the wall , and see  what sticks.  With a back ground in  Science fiction , and an avid  reader," of verything  Bradbury , and other  famous  writers of the time... I began to study structure , story development,  character  arcs , and eventuly  began  drafting  my  own rudematary  stories. Then ,  eventually finding my way  into the market.  "Testing the waters,  so to  speak, " only  to discover , I was  writing into a sinking ship.  I didn't have any clear  direction. I  drafted a story in 1989 , and  finalized it  it  a year later. IT  went to  my aunt ,  for proofing. " I learned quiclky  between what  a RED , VS. a Yellow mark meant .  Humbling , was my new word.  In 1992 , "THE  polished , " The  Greatr Adventure  went  Live ,  as I submitted to the  characters , whle  on a family  Reunion  to Van Couver , B.C . THE  kids   loved   it . IN 2004 ,  IT  was  published  and eventually  found it's  way into  WORLD Wide distrubution . Disovered? Nine years  passed  and ,  5  more  books went  out , with mached success . An eleven part Pre-quel  fininished the set, and  then  eventually   9 screen  plays , based  on the  books. NOW  I own my own  green screen  studio, and production company.  THAT"S  where I am at , today.
Mark Alan
Jennifer Simmons