For those who skipped school or slept through History class this is what you missed. Since the mid 1800's the Socialist DemoKKKrat party which is affiliated with the Globalist Illuminati (Satan worshipers) from France and Germany (NAZI Party) has been working towards destroying America through indoc... View MoreFor those who skipped school or slept through History class this is what you missed. Since the mid 1800's the Socialist DemoKKKrat party which is affiliated with the Globalist Illuminati (Satan worshipers) from France and Germany (NAZI Party) has been working towards destroying America through indoctrination, racism, KKK, Jim Crow laws, not allowing blacks to vote, pole tax, segregation, Planned Parent Hood which was created to control the black population by performing hundreds of thousands of adortions, the lamestream media who controls the narrative that weak minded ppl follow and and they are fueling racial division. They attack the church, the family, society, history, education and the economy. They are doing the devils work and only a certain segment of American's can see it happening which means that Democrats are the most evil ppl on the planet and they aren't guided by moral values. We got dupped in to voting for a Con Man, his name is Barrack Obama or Berry Soetoro or Harrison Bounel at least that's who's SSN he's been using. The unknown Obama was groomed to be the first minority president as a plant by the Globalist's, Russians, Chinese and backed by George Soros and he was placed in office to divide and destroy America and idiot American's fell for it hook, line and sinker. Decades of failed Democrat policies have weakened our economy, strengthened our enemies, failed the black ppl while destroying the middle class. Over the years Democrat politicians and their kids have filled their bank accounts with foreign lobbyists money while business like Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook all took part in censoring the truth, creating poverty for the middle class and unfortunatly, millennials who are for BLM and against Voter ID"s will do it again by voting for DemoKKKrats like Biden and the rest of the radical socialist, Antifascist/Fascist along with BLM Marxists who will continue to remove our freedom's, remove the Police who protect us from criminals, destroy our country and make America a 3rd World country under Communist rule as they have with many major cities in the US that once were the envy of the world. I can't believe that there are so many ppl in the US who are fighting to lose their freedoms and not trying to save them. Black Lies Matter and Satan are trying to take over this world just like Revelations says but Jesus will prevail!