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Everything Is Racist
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R Dell
Everything Is Racist https://youtu.be/xWqGr0f3Czg Today, some find that Mr. Potato Head is racist, or Shakespeare, or correct math answers, and on and on. When this trend was getting started, we prese... View More
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R Dell
These people will stop at nothing for power, even if it means bringing down their own country!!! https://patriotpost.us/articles/79531-fbi-raids-rudy-giuliani-for-political-payback-2021-04-29?fbclid=I... View More
R Dell
Unfortunately, special interests (and their attorneys) have now "drowned out" the voices of the majority of peoples at every level! https://nypost.com/2021/04/24/how-parents-are-fighting-critical-rac... View More
R Dell
Put on your thinking caps! This administration could well bankrupt our Nation, not unlike the old Soviet Union, these policies are even more destructive than the ignorance of Hard Communists; and they... View More
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