7 members
This is where we get to share our WoWs stuff. Questions, Achievements and so on. Let's keep it civil folks, please. While I am not into censorship, there is a line that I have to draw so that things don't get out of hand. While THIS group is a bit more forgiving that the (ass)FaceBook page, there IS a limit to how far I'll let things go. Seriosly, lets try to be adults about this. I know many of us are frustrated with either Wargaming and r the Potatoes that screw it up for the rest of us. SO, on that note, if you're gonna post a pic, PLEASE block out everyone's game tag and respect their Privacy. If YOU chose to share your online ID then you have that right. Some of us, like myself, prefer to keep this private. I don't need any hackers or trolls harassing me while I play my games as I'm sure you don't either.
SO, share away, converse away, bitch to your hearts content, but again, please keep it clean.
Also, this is not an official sanctioned page. This is here until they wake up and join Wimkin.