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Are the teachers getting paid while the schools are closed, tell them no workee, no payee. They will be back in school tomorrow.
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What is dr rachel levin, man , woman or beast? What is happening to our great country?
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he is a transvestite , in other words he is a man who wants to have sex with other. men that are as queer as he is! a fucking mental case. in the earlier days he would have put in a mental hospital for treatment. now they are aloud to hunt down unsuspecting youth and abuse them!
So the bill on the stimulis says they are going to help the farmer's thru the pandemic, but white farmers need not apply, isn't that rascist, what is our stupid president?im not ashamed to be View More
After all the ppl in nursing homes that Cuomo left for dead , not to much on the news about it, but the trip that ted Cruz to mexico , its all over the news.
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Hey joe our gas went up 80 cents gallon since you took office,