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Michele Christensen

Female. Born on September 14, 1963. Is married.
Michele Christensen
Here is Hersey’s phone numbers . Everyone should call and tell them we will no longer buy their products for firing unvaccinated employees!
Michele Christensen
Michele Christensen
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VICKY Garrison
Yeah... Ithink I like this platform but slow. I just read a post they were attempting shut this down but hang in there wimkn is on it.
January 9, 2021
Michele Christensen
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Bruce Wayne
Done...I was an Independent all my voting life, till recently, when I changed to Republican ro make a statement of support for Trump. Now that they have shown their True Colors (yellow!), I Refuse to be associated with those Traitors!!
January 8, 2021
Don Houston
Why change,just put your foot down and say NO MORE put the commies out to pasture for life. Dont ever be afraid to offend anyone.
January 8, 2021
Michele Christensen
Michele Christensen
The only thing that Biden should be president of is his basement! ??
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