Politics and Elections
Company, Organization, or Institution » Church/Religious Organization
Pamela Elliott-Jamison shared a photo
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Deborah L Earl
Good thing because they are mixing the COVID jab in with the flu medicine
Matt Thompson shared a photo
President Trump knows exactly what we need. A pure democracy has ALWAYS failed in every society tried because there eventually comes a time when the MAJORITY IS FATALLY WRONG.
That’s why America is a... View More
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M Warner shared a photo
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Only reason you are unjabbed is you have Zero Responsibility to anyone cept yourself. But most of us unlike you have families to care for and bills to pay . So stop trying to make yourself look great and maybe get a fucking job , who knows you might like acting like a Adult
Why are you sheep so concerned about us non--sheep not taking the jabs?? Aren't you protected?? You azzhats are so delusional. Keep drinking the koolaid! Also, before you ASSUME things about me, look at yourself! I started working at 10 & STILL WORK! I have a family too. So, STFU!
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