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Lynne C Doyle

YES. Lives in METROPLEX, Texas, United States.
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Lynne C Doyle
CONVENTION OF STATES--38 states would have to vote to agree on a radical effort. That is NOT impossible! We have to reign in Federal government power. It cannot continue to expand it's reach any l... View More
Lynne C Doyle
Our Governor only gave everyone free reign to decide for their own business and family how they can move forward. If enough non mask supporters choose not to shop or eat at their businesses then - so... View More
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Lynne C Doyle
I walked out of Sprouts when they asked me to put my mask on. Since when is a shot considered Herd solution? It is not THE anti virus. We need more state control NOT Federal controls. Support the Constitution of States Amendment!
May 13, 2021
Lynne C Doyle
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Lynne C Doyle
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