Stay with me for a second, this stuff is breaking as I type...
First, the Wayne County Michigan Election Commission refused to certify the election results. This has been confirmed.
Later, it is an... View MoreStay with me for a second, this stuff is breaking as I type...
First, the Wayne County Michigan Election Commission refused to certify the election results. This has been confirmed.
Later, it is announced that after receiving numerous death threats the commissioners reversed course and certified the results. This is not confirmed yet. UPDATE - now confirmed. Un-freaking-believable! Mob rule and commissioners with no balls.
Earlier today, the United States government kicked the doors in on Dominion's headquarters in Frankfort, Germany and seized their servers. This is confirmed. The question is, was this to preserve evidence of election fraud or was it to destroy evidence of election fraud? And inquiring minds want to know, why are we purchasing election software from companies in foreign countries? (Madrid, Spain and Frankfort, Germany). Talk about foreign interference!!!
Stay tuned. This gets more interesting every second. Keep your powder dry and you actions may need them.