Sad that people have such a need for power over others?
Daniel Bonello
From a Facebook "Fact Checker" -
I can't say this on facebook, but I feel it's important to say. I was a facebook Fact Checker. And your conspiracy theories about facebook, are more true than you re... View More
Angry (1)
Arthur Nesmith shared a photo
It may 'Affect' it, maybe?
Karmen Kinsey shared a photo
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people or changed who can see it, or it's been deleted.
My sincere problem is that there are SO MANY lies and hoaxers on the internet that I have lost the necessary confidence to trust ANY claims of authenticity regarding President Trump quotes (including this one). While I do not doubt the premise, how is it possible to KNOW this organization is legitim... View More
Sad what cancel culture is doing!
Tony Minger shared a photo
If you are considering ordering new bedding or towel set please consider ordering from a fellow conservative before buying a chinese set from a brick and mortar store or a communist sympathizer site..
Was that why we're not hearing anything about it on the news? I'm pretty sure it would be probably reported on 24/7 If there was a hint of a problem.
RJazz117 shared a photo