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Kimberly S Halleck
Time to declassify @RealDonaldTrump then declare a national emergency that we have been attacked by China from within. Send out the US Marshals and military to round everyone involved in this coup d'e... View More
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Hello kimberly
December 12, 2020
David Stephens
We have been saying that too. They would start singing
December 12, 2020
Zane Cason
December 12, 2020
Kimberly S Halleck
We the people need to have any and all politicians removed from our state Capitols and in Washington DC that do not stop this fraud. Arm up America. It is almost time to remove them by force if th... View More
Kimberly S Halleck
Call to arms America....everyone should call this snibbling idiot and remind him who is in charge... RISE UP AMERICA
Kimberly S Halleck
@RealDonaldTrump It's time...declassify everything. Expose all of them! The people will rise up!
Kimberly S Halleck
Kimberly S Halleck
Kimberly S Halleck
Kimberly S Halleck
Kimberly S Halleck
Kimberly S Halleck
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Kimberly S Halleck
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