3 members
This is for anyone who plays or wants to play Dungeons and Dragons, and other fantasy role-playing games. My bias is toward old-school style gaming and creating, but I hope to see all kinds of posts and information here.
Be polite and civil. Unless you're making fun of Tiamat, there is no call for any racist or sexist insults. On the other hand, try not to be hyper-sensitive and give the poster the benefit of the doubt, at first. If you feel like you're being harassed, though, contact a moderator immediately.
On that note, don't be afraid to correct people or offer advice, especially when it comes to gaming.
Memes are okay, as long as they're related to gaming. Political memes that relate to gaming are okay. Other political memes... we get enough of that on other sites.
If you want to share something under copyright, try to share a link that goes back to the original creator. A site that celebrates creators should give them credit as well.
Have fun! Roll lots of 20s.